3 research outputs found

    Global Title X Series \u2713: Game Report

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    The Chief of Naval Operations’ (CNO’s) annual Title 10 War Game (also known as Global) conducted at the Naval War College (NWC) has become a primary venue for exploring emerging concepts. This year’s effort is a continuation of the NWC War Gaming Department’s examination of the Air-Sea Battle (ASB) concept. The 2012 Global War Game concluded that current command and control (C2) structures at the operational level of war may be inadequate to effectively execute cross-domain operations as envisioned by the concept. While the ASB concept outlines the need to command and control ‘cross-domain operations’ which are joint, networked and integrated, no organizational structure is proposed. The concept only suggests that any suitable structure must be capable of tight, real-time coordination

    Global Title X Series \u2714

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    At the direction of the Air Sea Battle (ASB) Office, and with the concurrence of the Chief of Naval Operations, Global ’14 continued to focus on the Air-Sea Battle (ASB) Concept. While Global ’12 looked at the war fighting implications associated with concept implementation, Global ’13 and Global ’14 examined the command and control (C2) of cross-domain operations (XDO) in future Anti-Access/Area-Denial (A2/AD) environments. After evaluating the three possible C2 structures developed in Global ’13 – a functional component commander based model, a “Domain Commander” based model, and a “Cross-Domain Commander” based model – a fourth “hybridized” system was proposed using the current functional component C2 structure incorporating specific features identified during Global ’13

    Naval Mine & Anti-Submarine Warfare Command Game \u2713

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    In September 2012, the International Mine Counter-Measures Exercise (IMCMEX 2012) was conducted for the first time. This event was a USCENTCOM sponsored, USNAVCENT led multinational exercise that fostered interoperability with coalition partners and enhanced MCM operational and support capabilities. IMCMEX 2013 will take place from 6-30 May, 2013. The following are major planning and preparation milestones for this exercise: Concept Development Conference (CDC): 27-29 Nov 2012 Initial Planning Conference (IPC): 14-17 Jan 2013 Mid Planning Conference (MPC): 11-14 Feb 2013 Final Planning Conference (FPC): 11-14 March 2013 This exercise will build upon IMCMEX 2012 by broadening the scope of the exercise to include a number of inport and underway activities taking place in four phases addressing multinational MCM and supporting defensive measures. The exercise phases are: Phase 0: Harbor Phase (Reception, Staging, Onward Movement & Integration (RSO&I)) Phase 1: Maritime Infrastructure Protection Symposium (MIPS) Phase 2: Execution (Underway) Phase Phase 3: Recovery and Debrief Phas